How can I download electricity bill in Maharashtra

In today’s digital era, managing your utility bills online has become convenient and time-saving. If you are a resident of Maharashtra and are wondering how to download your electricity bill hassle-free, you have come to the right place. This article provides a step-by-step guide to help you easily download your electricity bill in Maharashtra. Let’s get started!

A Simple Guide to Downloading Your Electricity Bill in Maharashtra

Step 1: Open

Visit the Official Website of Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) To begin the process, open your preferred web browser and go to the official website of the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) at


Step 2: Locate the Consumer Portal

Once you are on the MSEDCL website’s homepage, search for the “Consumer Portal” section. It is typically found in the main menu or the header section of the website. Click on it to proceed.

Step 3: Register or Log in to Your Account

If you are a new user, you will need to register for an account on the MSEDCL Consumer Portal. Look for the “Register” or “Sign up” option and click on it. Fill in the required details, including your consumer number, email address, and mobile number. Create a strong password and complete the registration process.

(For existing users, simply log in to your account using your registered email address and password.)

Step 4: Access Your Electricity Bill

After successfully logging in, you will be directed to your account dashboard. Look for the “Billing” or “Electricity Bill” section. Click on it to access your bill details.

Step 5: Select the Billing Cycle

Within the billing section, you will find a dropdown menu containing various billing cycles. Choose the relevant billing cycle for which you want to download the bill. The billing cycle information can usually be found on your previous bill or by contacting the MSEDCL customer service.

Step 6: Generate and Download Your Electricity Bill

Once you have selected the desired billing cycle, locate the “Download Bill” or “Generate Bill” option. Click on it, and the website will generate your electricity bill in a downloadable format, such as PDF or Excel. Save the file to your preferred location on your device.

Step 7: Review and Verify Your Electricity Bill

Open the downloaded file and carefully review your electricity bill. Check the billed amount, due date, meter readings, and any additional charges. Ensure that all the information is accurate and matches your consumption.

Step 8: Pay Your Electricity Bill

Having downloaded and verified your electricity bill, proceed to make the payment before the due date. You can make the payment online using various available options, such as net banking, debit cards, credit cards, or mobile wallets. Follow the instructions provided by MSEDCL to securely complete the payment process.


Thanks to the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited’s online consumer portal, downloading your electricity bill has become a hassle-free experience. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can easily access and download your bill in Maharashtra. Embrace the convenience of digital technology to streamline your billing process and ensure timely payments. Say goodbye to the traditional paper bills and embrace the simplicity of online bill management.

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